SAS Survival Handbook Review: Prepper Essential?

One of the top new survival guides that teaches you exactly what you need to know to survive in any condition is the SAS Survival Handbook by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman. Featuring an extremely comprehensive overview to first aid, fire building, and finding food in the wild, this survival guide is a must-have for any survivalist’s shelf. Mr. Wiseman has really done his research on this book, and it contains a number of key lessons that anyone should learn in order to be fully prepared for the worst.
Layout of the SAS Survival Handbook
The book itself contains a number of helpful, colorful illustrations and designs. These detailed illustrations help in demonstrating exactly what you need to do to ensure top survival preparedness as you practice the different measures outlined in this book.
In terms of chapters and content, the book has a number of important instructions. You will learn key parts on terrain and climate, camp craft, food, moving across ground, surviving on open water, how to prepare in terms of first aid and health, how to make camp and protect yourself in dire climates, and how to rescue friends and family.
The book also contains chapters on acquiring disaster credits and strategies, as well as reading signs across the area you’re trying to survive in.
Each section of the book has colored background and paragraphs that are emphasized to show importance. You will also learn which plants are poisonous and how to identify them.
Diagrams and Visual Helpers
One of the best parts of the SAS Survival Handbook is the visual aspect of it. Each chapter contains a number of helpful diagrams that shows you exactly how to carry out each task. Some of these visual aids include finding food, making camp, axe techniques and maintenance, and finding the best weapons to carry with you. It also shows you survival and water treatment techniques as well as how to safely prepare and store survival food. These visual aids are extremely helpful as you won’t have to struggle to translate text to action.
Why This Book Will Help
No matter who you are or where you live, knowing how to be prepared in the worst situation is critical. You may have an entire family to protect, or you might just want to be sure you can keep yourself safe in the worst case scenario. But no matter whether you’re faced with economic collapse, tornados and earthquakes, or other major catastrophes, this book will make sure you are totally prepared.
Not only will you learn how to be fully self-reliant in dire situations, but you will also have a handy guide that shows you how to practice basic safety techniques that all survivalists should know. The book is nice and small and light, and can be carried anywhere.
User Reviews
Many users who’ve obtained the book find that it is one of the best guides to urban and jungle/forest survival they’ve ever found. One user said that after reading the book, he learned the best techniques for food and water treatment and storage, something he had been struggling to find a good guide on for years. Now, he and his family are fully prepared for even the worst of situations.
Another user who is a single mom of two said that this book gave her the confidence to know she can take care of her kids even if disaster strikes. She feels much better knowing that she’s prepared, well-stocked and equipped, and she has everything she needs to ensure her safety — as well as her kids — if a disaster should occur.
Thanks to the detailed how to manuals and instructional sections, she thinks this book is very easy to read and understand, and highly recommends it.
The SAS Survival Handbook is one of the best-researched and most well-laid out books you can find on preparedness. It shows you how to survive in both urban and outdoor landscapes, where you never know what kind of challenges may await. Thanks to John Wiseman’s detailed background, he knows exactly what kind of issues you might have to deal with if you’re in a survival situation, and he prepares you for each and every one of them.
With this guide, which is inexpensive and can be ordered online and shipped right to your doorstep, you’ll be ready to take on even the worst of disasters.
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