National Preparedness Month 2018

Every September in the United States, government agencies bring attention to National Preparedness Month. It’s nice that preparedness comes up on the government’s radar once out of every 12 months. Here at Prepping Pros we recognize that you must always be prepping. It’s about self-reliance and being ready to go when you need to.
Since it’s National Preparedness Month, we thought that we’d do an overview of some preparedness topics, as well as touch on a few areas that sometimes go beneath the radar and might be easy to overlook.
What You Can Do During National Preparedness Month
This would be an excellent opportunity to check your food and water supplies. Have you changed your water recently? Have you made sure that your backup water tanks are still filled? How about your food? Checking up on your food supply regularly is a smart idea, especially if you store it in your garage. We’ve heard numerous horror stories from preppers who went to their food stockpile and saw that rats or other animals accessed it first. Use this reminder to go and review all food and water stockpiles.
If you’re looking for a recommendation on food supplies, you can’t go wrong with 4Patriots’ Food 4 Patriots. In fact, go try their free 72-hour meal kit to see how you like it.
Check Your EDC Supplies
Now that we discussed your food and water, it’s important to look after your day-to-day. What’s in your EDC bag? Have you gotten complacent with your everyday carry gear? Have you cleaned your firearm recently? Is your pocket knife sharpened? All of your gear in good working order?
If you haven’t come up with a good EDC list, take a look at our Everyday Carry List to get some ideas.
Review Your Financial Strategy
Have you examined what you’re planning to do in a SHTF scenario? Do you know where all your backup cash is located? Do you have your precious metals in an easy-to-reach location? If you’ve put aside cryptocurrency, do you know how to access it?
This is an excellent time to make sure your finances are in order. If you don’t have a substantial cash or precious metals backup plan, it’s time to formulate one.
Don’t have the budget to put aside for saving cash or any other store of wealth? Start selling items. Sell your extra “stuff” on eBay, Craigslist, or any of the apps you can download to your phone.
Solutions for Backup Power
An often-overlooked area in the world of prepping is backup power. We’ve become accustomed to always being able to rely on electricity to charge our cell phones and run our radios, TVs, and refrigerators.
What would you do if there were no electricity?
You MUST have alternative sources of power lined up if you’re going to comfortably survive any scenario where electricity has been shut off for an extended period of time. We highly recommend that you read our Patriot Power Generator 1500 review. With this device, you’re able to charge and re-charge using the power of the almighty sun. You can connect your electronic devices to it, and keep them powered up… Something that’s indispensable during a SHTF scenario.
What Are Your Plans?
This is barely scratching the surface. There are a lot more areas of preparedness that we need to get into, but these initial four areas will give you enough work for the next week.
Struggling with anything? Leave us a comment. We’d be happy to chime in and give some advice. Your fellow preppers who read this blog may also have some words of wisdom for you.
Hopefully by bringing these items to your attention, we can make sure that National Preparedness Month is nothing but a refresher and reminder for you. For many people, sadly, they’re going to ignore it. This is your chance to be ready. Don’t let it go to waste.
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