Emergency Backup Power for Home and RVs

When an earthquake or hurricane hits, one of the first things to go is your electricity. Then what are you left to do? In a world where we’ve become accustomed to using electricity to power everything from our cell phones to refrigerators, how do we recover? What kind of emergency backup power can you use for your home or RV?
A Closer Look at Emergency Backup Power Solutions
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, the size of emergency backup power solutions have shrunken in size throughout the years. You can obtain backup batteries that fit into the palm of your hand. Those can often charge your cell phone at least a couple of times before needing to be recharged.
Small, Portable Charger
An example of this type of charger is the Anker PowerCore+ Mini Lipstick-Sized Charger. This external battery pack is great because it’s compact, and can quickly re-charge a dead cell phone battery. It works for both iPhones and Android devices, as well as any other device that needs a USB charge.
Next, we’re going to take a look at a larger solution that can power some large appliances around your home.
Now, let’s say you need to power some serious devices but once you’ve used your power, you’re going to need to recharge it. How are you going to recharge it without electricity?
That’s where the Patriot Power Generator 1500 comes in. This powerful emergency backup power solution weighs less than 40 pounds and contains a booming 1500 watts of power. Home owners, preppers, campers, hunters, and those who have RVs have been buying these units up because of the solar charging capabilities it has.
Solar power means that you can charge this device by day and use it to your heart’s content at night.
Normally these types of generators require you to pay extra for solar panels, but with the Patriot Power Generator 1500, you receive a folding 100-watt solar panel included.
Additionally, you receive:
- A 25-foot extension cord so that you can run this device from a longer distance.
- A 72-hour survival food kit (exclusively from 4Patriots).
- Survival drinking straw (this is worth the investment of the generator – what a lifesaver this was on a recent camping trip…)
- And several written guides from 4Patriots on survival, living off-the-grid, and sustainability.
It’s not a cheap investment, and for good reason.
Of all the power solutions we’ve looked at, this is the cream of the crop.
You’re not going to receive some worthless piece of Taiwanese junk. This generator has been designed to run silently, powerfully, and efficiently. It’s why so many people recommend it.
Actual User Testimonials
Mike, a user from Facebook said that the Patriot Power Generator 1500 is a “great piece of survival gear.” He was originally looking for a smaller generator to run his CPAP at night. Any of you who use a CPAP know the importance of keeping the power on. He said that he “quit breathing sometimes when I sleep and lose power a lot where we live. Got a lot more with the solar generator. Quiet and lightweight.”
Imagine being able to run essential devices whether or not you have electricity to your home or RV?
Then, re-charge it using the light of day. It’s that simple.
Another customer, Paul said that they were in the eye of Hurricane Irma. He said: “My wife became really, really happy with our purchase. We could keep cell phones, radio batteries and several rechargeable multi-purpose batteries charged. And had reading lights for reading. A small string of LED lights on our porch light gave us needed security. It seemed expensive when we bought it … but believe me, we now realize it was worth every penny. It recharged as advertised. Five stars.”
Often times, backup power can be the difference between merely surviving or thriving in a disaster situation.
Being able to power essential devices in a disaster scenario or just while camping can be a huge relief to you and your family.
If you’re looking for emergency backup power for your home, RV, or simply for camping – you can’t go wrong taking a look at this powerful generator.
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