Product Reviews

Surviving the Final Bubble Review – Financial Prepping

May 13, 2016 // 0 Comments

In our society today, major disasters, economic and financial, are always looming on the horizon. If a crisis happened, would you be ready? Would you be able to survive a huge event that might leave you and your family devastated? Not only would you need to know how to prevent illness and injury, but you’d also need to have a stockpile of assets [...]

Review of Backyard Liberty – Learn Aquaponics

April 28, 2016 // 0 Comments

Backyard Liberty, one of the best-selling aquaponic guides on the market, is a must-read for serious long-term food storage growers. If you’ve been wondering how to create a sustainable source of food in case of disaster, governmental break-down, or economic and social collapse, you know the importance of aquaponics. Using this guide, [...]

ABP Tactical Pen Review – Always Be Prepared

April 21, 2016 // 2 Comments

If you’re looking for a pen that’s truly mightier than a sword, the ABP Tactical Pen is designed for you. This pen is designed to give you a rock solid grip so you can take charge in any situation that gets out of hand. It has a triangular tip, created in a way that you can break glass with it. The tip is made from steel of airplane [...]

LifeStraw Review – Essential Prepper Tool?

April 16, 2016 // 0 Comments

The LifeStraw is currently one of the top personal water filters available for survivalists, enthusiasts, or basically anyone interested in getting rid of bacteria from water that you might be obtaining from streams, lakes, or rivers. For survivalists and campers, especially, the LifeStraw may come to be a very handy little tool — in fact, [...]

Stinger Spy Pen Review – Ultimate Self-Defense Tool?

April 7, 2016 // 0 Comments

While the Stinger Spy Pen might look on the outside to be just a very lovely writing utensil, don’t be fooled by its appearance. The Stinger Spy Pen is actually a rugged and useful lifesaving tool that can stand up to anything. It is discreet and small; you can easily tuck it away neatly in your pack, your purse, or your pocket. You can use [...]

Everstryke Pro Fire Starter Review

April 5, 2016 // 0 Comments

If you’re looking for a way to start a fire no matter where you are, the Everstryke Pro is an excellent way to ensure you can do it. Featuring a new and improved design, including replaceable flint and a wick that lasts 10 times longer, the Everstryke is a dependable means of starting a fire even if it’s been soaked in water. Features [...]

Credit Card Knife Review – A Hidden Weapon?

April 2, 2016 // 0 Comments

Having the right knife is extremely important for anyone who wants to stay safe and discreet while traveling. For men, you might be trying to attain that extra touch of suaveness, while for women, you might enjoy the extra confidence of knowing you have a means of protection in your purse or knapsack. The Credit Card Knife This is where the credit [...]

Survival MD Review – Preparedness eBook

March 31, 2016 // 0 Comments

Natural disasters and emergencies are happening whether you like it or not. The main difference between the people who make it through and the ones who don’t is preparedness, plain and simple. Now when you think about being prepared for a calamity, what do you automatically think about? Food? Water? Flashlights? Charging your phones? But [...]

XT808 LED Flashlight Review – Tactical Flashlight

March 27, 2016 // 0 Comments

A flashlight is a necessity for outdoorsmen, adrenaline junkies, or for anyone who has the thirst for adventure. But a flashlight is more than just a piece of device that points a beam of light in the woods, it is an essential tool that can help you survive. The XT808 LED Flashlight is a recently launched product that’s fast becoming one of [...]

TL900 LED Headlamp Review – Tactical Headlamp

March 22, 2016 // 1 Comment

For an avid fan of the outdoors, a good flashlight for those evening jogs, walks, or bike rides is a definite must. The TL900 LED Headlamp is an incredible product that will definitely have you enjoying your late night adventures with no worry. What is the TL900 LED Headlamp? Made by the people behind Primitive Survivors, a leading provider of [...]
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